Saturday, August 23, 2008

Under the Sea Invitations

Butterfly Invitation

Pirate Invitation Drafts

Hand Painted 5x7 wooden picture frame

This wooden 5x7 frame was hand painted, embellished with the nursery decor and personalized with the new baby's name.

Hand Painted Letters

These are letters I made. The customer's room was done in two shades of purple, light and dark purple. I hand painted the new baby's initials. Ribbon is attached to the top to be hung on the wall.

Custom Painted Trash Can/Waste Basket

This is a custom, personalized trash can/waste basket that I made. The customer's daughter's room was dark brown and lime green.

Closet Organizer Dividers

These are custom, personalized Closet Organizer Dividers. They hang on the clothes rod to separate different sizes of children's clothing. GREAT baby shower gift!!!
Butterfly/Flower Organizer Dividers
Matching boy/girl twin blue/pink/brown Organizer Dividers
Sports Organizer Dividers